Laser Hair Removal

Conveniently located in White Plains, New York, to serve Westchester County and surrounding boroughs

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If you’ve ever dreamed of saying goodbye to the hassle of frequent shaving or painful waxing, laser hair removal might be the solution you’ve been searching for. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this procedure, exploring how it works, who makes an ideal candidate, what to expect during and after the treatment and more.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure designed to reduce or eliminate unwanted hair on various areas of the body. The treatment employs concentrated beams of light, targeting the hair follicles, and impairing their ability to grow hair.

Good Candidates for Laser Hair Removal

Ideal candidates for laser hair removal are those with light skin and dark hair, as the laser targets the pigmentation in the hair follicles. However, advancements in technology have made the procedure more accessible for individuals with a broader range of skin tones and hair colors.

Adorable sincere natural happy single blonde female with perfect skin and positive attitude

Your Laser Hair Removal Consultation

The journey to smooth, hair-free skin begins with a comprehensive consultation. During this appointment, our experienced practitioners will discuss your medical history, assess your skin type, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

The Procedure

Laser hair removal involves a series of treatment sessions to achieve optimal results. The procedure typically begins with the application of a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort. The laser device is then precisely adjusted to match your specific skin and hair characteristics. As the laser pulses target the hair follicles, the energy is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, effectively inhibiting future growth.

Laser hair removal can be applied to various areas of the body, including but not limited to the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and back. The number of sessions required for optimal results varies from person to person, but most individuals undergo a series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart.

The Recovery Process

One of the key advantages of laser hair removal is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure. While you may experience some redness or mild irritation immediately after the treatment, these side effects typically subside within a few hours to a day.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?

The cost of laser hair removal varies based on several factors, including the size of the treatment area, the number of sessions required, and the geographical location of the clinic. During your consultation, our team will provide you with a customized quote based on your specific needs and goals.


Is laser hair removal painful?
While some individuals may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, most find it tolerable.
How many sessions are typically needed?
The number of sessions required varies from person to person and depends on factors such as hair color, skin type, and the treatment area.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
Laser hair removal is considered a long-term solution for hair reduction.

The Expertise of Our Practitioners

At Alessi Cosmetic Surgery, we take pride in the expertise and qualifications of our practitioners. Our team is led by highly trained and certified professionals with extensive experience in performing laser hair removal procedures. We understand the importance of precision and skill in delivering effective results while prioritizing the safety and comfort of our clients.

Contact Us to Learn More

Embark on the path to smoother, hair-free skin by scheduling a consultation.